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Angels. Are. Real.

Angels are real.


In the past week, I've encountered multiple people who have expressed losing faith, questioning whether angels exist, or feeling abandoned by them. These individuals, from different places and interactions—both in person and online—seemed to be grasping for something they couldn’t quite find. If I could offer one piece of guidance, it would be this: trust me, angels are real, and they are here to protect and help you.


I experience angels every day. I hear them, speak to them, and see them—especially during Reiki sessions. They surprise me constantly, popping in and out of my day-to-day life. I dream of them, and they guide me in ways that are often beyond my understanding until later. When I tell you they are real, I mean it.


I've seen angel signs—sparks in the air, usually white, but sometimes colored if a specific angel is near. I’ve heard them speak audibly in my ear, felt their physical nudges, and even been swept by what I believe is a wing. My connection with angels is strong, and I fully listen to their guidance, even when it doesn’t make logical sense. I always discover later why it was necessary.


I've laughed, cried, prayed, and served with angels. They are not just energy; they are companions who walk with us through every emotion and experience. People need to know they are real because their energy is worth connecting with—especially in a world where darkness often overshadows the light. Angels can bring so much to your life, but it starts with believing. They’re not just the winged beings of TV; they are powerful energy centers that can morph and adapt.


However, angels are not magicians. They don’t operate like Amazon, delivering whatever you want on demand. There’s always divine timing and life lessons involved. But please, don’t give up. You don’t need to know an angel’s name or understand their language to call on them. Simply say, “Hey angels, can you help me?” They will hear you, even if the details remain a mystery.


All you need to do is start a conversation: “Hi, I really need some help… I’m scared… I’m lost… I’m confused… Can you help me with _______?” The help will show up.


A quick story: A few days ago, I was overwhelmed, with too much on my plate. That morning, I woke up feeling drained, and immediately sensed Archangel Michael in the room. Even then, I was annoyed, tired, and didn’t want to listen. Archangel Michael is no small presence—he comes in strong. Reluctantly, I pulled a card for a message, and before I could even grab one, Archangel Michael’s card flew out. I laughed, put it back in, and shuffled again—he flew out again. Message received. I knew he would be with me heavily that day.


Later, I decided to pull a card for my Instagram story. Guess who showed up? Archangel Michael again. He wasn’t letting me brush him off! I shared his message on Instagram, and soon, people messaged me saying how much they needed to hear it. He knew what he was doing. Later, I visited my Godmother, and she handed me a card she’d found, saying she felt compelled to give it to me. It was, of course, a card of Archangel Michael with a prayer.


Angels are real. They are everywhere, with you, and when you call them, they fly in quick. Sometimes, they must be silent, but that doesn’t mean they’ve left. Trust that they are here, working in the background. Don’t brush them away. 💖 

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