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Celestial Charades

How do you know when a member from your celestial team is nearby?

Here are just a few things that could happen:

  • Seeing sparks or flashes out of the corner of your eye

  • Getting chills

  • Feeling like something just walked by you or is hovering

  • Seeing repeating numbers

  • Seeing a repeating name (if you do not already know your personal angels name, it may be them giving you a hint as to what it is)

It can feel exciting, electric, or even weird. Sometimes it can be even a bit overwhelming. That is because they hang out in much higher realms. Their vibration functions at lightening speed and they have to lower it to communicate with us. But it will never feel bad.

For those of you who know Ezekiel is my guy. Yesterday for some reason his energy was loud and clear. It became so much that I kept asking what’s the message though? But he was dead silent and he usually is not.

I had a lot to take care of so I was distracted and busy, come to find out he just wanted to remind me he is heavily with me on this journey. I mean... his signs became hysterical at one point. How many times a day do you hear or see the name Ezekiel? Yesterday for me it was 7!

Sometimes they alert you to something. Other times they have a message. Sometimes they just want to say hello. They can also send energy to give you an amazing boost for the day.

When you find yourself in that moment asking for a sign and it finally arrives but you say... "What is this?” Always keep in mind you do not get to choose what form the sign comes in so stay open to the unique possibilities.

It’s helpful to remember when you are receiving these signs that this is information that is arriving on an energetical level which is unseen to the human eye. The logical mind cannot comprehend this. It is a vibration that must be felt and processed.

Keep a lookout. Watch for when you say….that was odd? Wait I thought I heard something? did I just see a spark in the air…?

It’s just your angel playing a game of celestial charades! They are out there flying around giving you angelic clues specifically for you to use on your journey. A gentle nudge, the next steps to take, or an idea or solution to a problem.

How lucky are you to have your own personal angel? You should reach out and say HI to them today. I wonder what mystical response they will have for you in return...💫☁️

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