Does Chaos really lead to calm? I find most of the time upheaval brings to light that which must be seen. It is not always pretty. When the truth is uncovered it can get dirty.
For example, being fired when you needed that job yet it was too stressful, seeing someone’s true colors and realizing they were not who they portrayed to be all this time, or an illness that causes you to slow down probably because you were not paying attention. All of these can hit hard.
It is when the universe forces you to realize what is and what is not working. It will make the situation so unbearable you will have no choice but to change it. Sometimes it is because we become complacent, but other times it is just part of the plan. When the universe wants to move you forward....IT WILL.
If you do the work, you will come out the other side to a peaceful haven you once wished for. If you did not do the work, let’s just say that word “karma” shows up and well… it gets harder. So do the work, stay on the positive side with the light. No one is perfect but if you lead with a kind heart and try your best the universe will eventually send you support and line things up in your favor.
This is when you contemplate why did I put up with this? It becomes a time to decide what direction do I want to move in and who has my best interest. It’s a tough hard look when the people who didn’t have your best interest where the ones closest to you.
Chaos. Whether it be an internal or an external force it is sure to make things move. It feels like pure madness. Unsteady, off-putting, and heavy.
Chaos is energy so regardless of what it shows up as in the physical world you must keep moving through it.
Three important things to remember:
1. Recognize who supports and help you, and who does not.
2. Be kind to yourself in the face of adversity.
3 The main it with Grace.
While this can feel like a rollercoaster, it's actually an opportunity. Chaotic situations open up a space for reinvention.
The universe will clear it all out. It will rip the rug right from under you. WOOSH. This space will be left for you to fill with new energy. The challenging part is if the new energy has not fully shown up yet so you have a giant gapping hole to sit in. Lucky you.😃 But while you sit in it you can brainstorm and create what is to come.
What first seems like a disruption can lead to an entirely new evolution of yourself!
I find that there is something always born in the chaos. A new idea. A new friendship. A new reason for living. A spark that ignites the soul. The chaos that was surely not welcomed was much needed to stir it all up.
The universe saw that too many negative people, stagnate energies, and things that no longer serve you had settled at the bottom, gotten too comfortable, and were no longer for you.
✨So go ahead….give it a good stir……..