It just can’t. I really wish it could. Wouldn’t that be nice?! But do not worry for the universe will let you know when it is ready.
There are certain things that MUST take place before it all comes to fruition. Small things. Big things. All kinds of things.
This way you will be completely prepared for when the BIG things show up. And even then, you might not feel prepared, however you will be. You will be mentally and spiritually equipped to take on what you have worked so hard for. Every struggle and lesson will put you exactly on the right path, in contact with the right people, at exactly the right time. And…when you look back you will understand how and why every single piece had to fall into place exactly the way it did. Every….single….piece.
I’m not saying it’s fun. Been there. Done that. Still doing it.
The most important thing I do know.....
DO the work! Even when it is really hard. ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS REALLY HARD. Many gifts will come out of it. Stay true to yourself. Associate with positive good people.
Because there is a gift inside the chaos you may be walking through. And when it's time the universe will present it to you. AT THE PERFECT MOMENT. RIGHT ON SCHEDULE.
It will seem like it came out of nowhere.