Why clouds?
People often ask me why do you like clouds so much and take so many pictures of them? The main reason is they bring me peace.
I’ve always LOVED clouds and the sky since I was a kid. I even did a science project on them in fourth grade!
When I was young, I used to watch clouds with my grandmother Grace, trying to spot animal shapes just for the fun of it and to spend time with her. As I grew older, my dad and I would often sit in the backyard drinking wine, admiring the clouds and having meaningful conversations.
Clouds hold a certain whimsical and mystical energy for me, as if they have a cosmic story to tell. Almost like they are a canvas which the energy of the universe is painted on in real-time. It’s fascinating to me to think these changing forms are some sort of multi-layered event taking place above us.
Angelic energy is a frequent presence in my life, and I consider myself fortunate to capture images of angel wing clouds and angel forms from time to time. When I see these scenes unfolding before me it is nothing short of celestial vibes mixed with a sense of otherworldly grace and beauty. I have even witnessed the appearance of orbs on occasion, adding to the mystical quality of it all.
I feel the energy swirling around above me and it makes me look up right away because it is impossible for me to ignore. It can turn a bad day into a good one. Clouds offer me a source of comfort. Even a fully cloudy day can make me feel at peace. It's like a giant fluffy energy blanket envelops me for the day. Makes me feel like I don’t have to rush and there is less urgency to the day.
For that moment time slows down, and I am granted a moment of exhalation for the stress and chaos of the world I am currently in.
After all angels can manipulate energy, which means they can manipulate the clouds too. The idea that these celestial beings can do this is just incredible to me. It’s a humbling reminder of just how vast the universe is and the mystery of it all.
Clouds are magic. ☁️
They come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique personality and charm. Some breeze by with a friendly wave while others linger overhead, inviting us to stay a while and hang out together. I believe at least once in our lives, we have all looked up and said “Hey, that cloud looks like…” which leads me to believe it is a universal experience that speaks to the mystical vibes that clouds inspire in us.
It is as if angels choose to dance around in the form of clouds and put on a show for us. If you take the time to look up and take a deep breath every once in a while, you too could be the lucky recipient of the cloud show. ☁️