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Journey to a Healthy Self

Writer's picture: Kelly AndronKelly Andron

Achieving a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying all the things that make you happy can sometimes be difficult to navigate. Most people do not stick to good health regimes because they are too restrictive. You need a good balance and a program that you can sustain throughout your life. Does that exist? Yes it most certainly does! My philosophy is creating a healthier lifestyle by incorporating a positive mindset, active daily movement, and good nutrition into the lives of my clients.

The first step in creating a healthier lifestyle is identifying what motivates you! In order to stay committed to a healthy lifestyle it is important to find your “Why”. Digging deep into your why will keep you motivated and help to push you through on hard days. I want to be healthy for my children so I can watch them grow up and eventually have their own families. Taking care of sick parents and eventually losing both of them, I want to do all I can to stay healthy so my children do not have to endure that devastation in their lives. I know that creating a healthier lifestyle does not guarantee you will not become ill, but if I can prolong something or potentially prevent an illness I will continue on my road to a healthier lifestyle. For me that is a driving force of motivation.

Once you have established the “Why” you can then begin your journey! I believe that a health journey is more than just working out and eating well. Your mind must be in a good place in order for you to succeed in any area of your life that you are looking to change. About two years ago I started a morning routine that consists of gratitude journaling, meditation, reading a personal development book, and pulling an affirmation card (the Graceful Lotus Deck is my favorite – if you have not purchased your deck yet go to the etsy shop now)! In doing this day after day I noticed my thoughts were more positive throughout the day and I wanted everyone who crossed my path to feel the same! This morning routine has changed my life both physically and mentally! The way that I look at situations, the way I appreciate my life, and the way I can have empathy towards others has all come from incorporating this into the start of my day! So find something positive and uplifting that you can incorporate into your daily routine and I promise your mindset will begin to change!

These steps are critical in creating a healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind a healthy lifestyle is not a diet or a quick fix. A healthy lifestyle is something you will work at and improve upon in your daily life. This lifestyle is about being able to create a balance of exercise and making better nutritional choices. It’s not about denying yourself of the things that you enjoy. Once you create that balance and focus on your goals while keeping in mind why you want this, you will be unstoppable!

My goal as a fitness trainer is to help clients stay motivated, gain energy and strength, fuel their bodies with good nutrition, and wake up each day loving themselves and their lives! If you would like more information about my programs you can contact me at or message me on instagram @kafitness4life.

I wish you strength, peace, and joy



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