Sometimes we find ourselves sitting in the negative energy life can dish out to us. If you stay and sulk in it…..Nothing will change. It’s totally ok to make a pit stop here. Sometimes we just have to. We are only human.
However, this is why it is essential to MANIFEST. We need to seek out the new energy that is not only on the way to us..but is actually available in that moment.
Think positive. Dream of the endless possibilities. I'm not saying fly away to fantasy land (honestly it doesn’t hurt every now and then. Lets face it ..it's funner over there) but what I am saying is..give yourself permission to call in that which you desire. You are here for that very reason. To create YOUR reality.
Dream it. Believe it. Call it in.
Seek out the energy you want to align with. Then work on moving into it. Feel it. When you feel it, it feels you. It moves closer and closer to you. That is how you pull it in.
So do what you need to do. Put up a wall. Keep what you are manifesting a secret. And by all means MANIFEST THAT SHIT.
It may look like nothing is happening….probably 99 percent of the time. BUT IT IS. It all has to happen on an energetic level first before it can manifest in the physical.
Everything you want floats around in the 5D (Fifth Dimension) before it comes down to you. It is just swirling around up there waiting for YOU…so it can match your frequency like a magnet and ZOOMP! Comes right to you!
An important factor to remember…..do not listen to anyone who will try and take this energy from you. Do not let them rip it from your hands…for it is yours to create with.
Some people are completely unaware they do this to people. And some know exactly what they are doing to you. So don’t listen to the phrase “you can’t do that ..it will never happen”.
Don’t be afraid to disappoint them and MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Do not lose hope.
Listen to your intuition.
Stay the course.
The cosmos are perfectly complicated. And as humans we complicate it even more. So tell the universe what you want, sit back, and let it come to you.
The bigger the goal..
The bigger the manifest…
The longer the wait.
Have fun shocking everyone!