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Soul Squad

Let's get to it....

Who is in your soul squad?

If you are lucky, you will find souls that will usher you through this lifetime. They will carry your energy with you and help you bring forth your destiny. This group will not care what others think, as you should not either. Because it really does not matter. YOU ARE HERE TO COMPLETE YOUR DESTINY. Not someones else's.

These souls are your squad. They signed up with you and you with them. Each one having an individual purpose and a purpose together. Some may be very close friends or family. Some may be new friends specifically put on your path so you can skip into the future together. It is important for you to understand, they do not even need to know each other.

So pay attention. Be open to receiving. Be open to being yourself. Make sure you water the squad. For it will need tending to.

From what I have learned, a soul squad is made up of big souls and old souls... with pure hearts.

It's that simple.


They are intricate.


Rainbow energy.

Ribbons of light.

Cosmic cosmos.

Interstellar stardust.

Crystal energy.


They are cracked open and tuned in.

When you find your squad.....THIS is whom you walk with.

Travel lightly.

No need to pack.

You have everything you need.

Your soul squad has your back.

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