For me, truth starts as an energy. If you let it, the energy of truth can be clean, transparent, and feel like tranquility. Yes, many times the truth can hurt. But it can be liberating. Most of all if observed properly the truth can be graceful.
I find many people do not want to hear the truth, speak the truth, or live in their truths in many circumstances.
Sometimes the truth hurts….but usually makes sense in the end.
Sometimes the truth hurts….but can transform you.
Sometimes the truth hurts….but it can be a game changer.
Much about spirituality is revolved around truths. Being a healer, truth is always at the forefront.
It’s not about feeling sparkly all the time and going out and buying crystals. It’s about diving deep and finding the truth of all things. Finding your inner truth. Speaking the truth. Accepting the truth of others. Determining what is real and at the core.
Many people have a hard time with the truth. It scares them. Looking inward to see what is REALLY there..because what if we don’t like what we find? Ouch. That could hurt. What we have to decide now is…is this something we would like to fix? Can we fix it? Will we work on changing?
It also applies to the outside world. Even scarier for some. Did we do the right thing? Did we make the right choice? Did we do it with fear or with love? Was someone hurt in the cross fire because we did not operate from a place of truth.
Soul work is truth, therefore it is not easy. Most of the time it is pure darkness. But a darkness that must be navigated in order to achieve the next level for your soul. Darkness will lead you to light. Light will illuminate the truth. Which will essential put you on the right path.
When a lie is told or a truth is not spoken it lowers our vibration. Immediately it attracts more of the energy of untruths. Even worse, it will then bring people that resonate on that frequency into our worlds. The effects of it continue on and on and people do not realize the damage that is being done.
All they are doing is dumping more and more energetic sludge on top of themselves and it weights down their energy field.
We are here to help each other…but even more so I believe we are here to inspire each other. Inspire each other to live in truth….which then leads to living your most authentic life.
So I ask you today………
Whats your truth? And are you living it?